Thomas Weigel (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) impartirá el minicurso: "Right-angled Artin groups"

SEMINARIO DE ALGEBRA: Minicurso (6 h.) el 18 y 19 marzo 2025
Thomas Weigel (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) impartirá un minicurso de 6 horas de duración:
"Right-angled Artin groups"
The class of right-angled Artin groups plays an important role in geometric group theory. It contains all finitely generated torsion free abelian groups as well as all finitely generated free groups. For many years it has been subject to intensive investigations by many authors. In this mini course on right-angled Artin groups we present a couple of results which reflect the highly regular nature of this class of examples as well as revealing the different techniques one may apply in this context. Results we intend to discuss in more detail are:
the Davis-Januskievicz embedding theorem in right-angled Coxeter groups,
the Salvetti-complex associated to right-angled Artin groups,
a theorem of Droms-Servatius-Servatius on the freeness of the commutator subgroup.
El curso tiene una duración total de 6 h, y se impartirá:
Martes, 18 de marzo de 2025
Hora: de 10:00 h. a 12:00 h.
Miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2025
Hora: de 10:00 h. a 12:00 h. y de 16:00 h. a 18:00 h.
Lugar: Seminario de Álgebra, Edificio de Matemáticas, 2ª planta