
Satoshi Kusaka (Naruto University, Japan) impartirá la conferencia: “What is the best use of Metacognitive Abilities?”


Seminario Didáctica de las Matemáticas


Satoshi Kusaka (Naruto University, Japan) impartirá la conferencia:

“What is the best use of Metacognitive Abilities?”

This study examines the role of metacognitive abilities in mathematics education and their connection to well-being in an increasingly uncertain and AI-driven world. Metacognition, defined as awareness and regulation of one’s cognitive processes, is critical for problem-solving and innovation. However, in many classrooms, students struggle to apply knowledge effectively, reflecting a lack of metacognitive skills. Drawing on observations in African and Asian contexts, this research highlights the gap in teaching metacognition. Findings reveal that while students employ basic metacognitive strategies, successful problem solvers demonstrate stronger links between prior knowledge and self-regulation. The study advocates for pedagogical approaches, such as "proxy questions," to encourage self-reflection and develop advanced metacognitive skills. These insights aim to enhance educational practices, reduce disparities, and foster human well-being by empowering students to think critically and adaptively in diverse contexts. Finally, the author proposes a new perspective on metacognition, tailored for the complexities and uncertainties of the current world.



Fecha: Miércoles, 22 de enero de 2025
Hora: 18:30 horas.
Lugar: Facultad de Educación. Aula 1.06